Bedding Flower 48's

Celosia Fresh Look Mix
Ht. 14" AAS Winner that stays compact with vibrant shades of color that stays all summer long.

Celosia Dragon's Breath
Ht. 20-24" Can be used as a cut flower. Low upkeep, but high impact, it increases flowers and leaves in hot weather, creating a showier performance with deep red flowers that don't fade in the sun.

Coleus Wizard Mix
Ht. 12-14" Width 10-12" A kaleidoscope of color that tolerates both shade and sunny locations, its size makes an easy fit in your garden.

Dahlia Figaro Mix
Ht. 14-18" Width 10-12" Dwarf dahila from seed that produces semi double flowers from early summer through fall.

Dusty Miller Silverdust
Ht. 10" Width 10" This variety of dusty miller is known for its uniform habit of finely cut foliage. Adds a silvery contrast to beds in mass plantings and once established, makes a striking compliment to containers.

Gazania Sunshine Mix
Ht. 12" Width 6-8" Heat tolerant solid and bicolor mix loves sunny locations and will bloom reliably from summer til frost.

Impatiens Super Elfin Mix
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Impatiens Super Elfin Lipstick
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.
Impatiens Super Elfin Bright Orange
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Impatiens Super Elfin Red
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Impatiens Super Elfin Salmon
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Impatiens Super Elfin White
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Impatiens Super Elfin Violet
Ht. 8-10" Width 12-14" A dwarf variety known for its uniform free flowering habit.

Marigold Inca II Yellow
Ht. 12-14" Width 12-14" Reliable bloomer on sturdy stems produce 3" double flowers keeps going all summer long.

Marigold Inca II Orange
Ht. 12-14" Width 12-14" Reliable bloomer on sturdy stems produce 3" double flowers keeps going all summer long.

Durango Bolero
Ht. 10-12" Width 6-8" Well branched plants on strong stems produce 2" blotched flowers perfect for pots or beds.

Marigold Durango Mix
Ht. 10-12" Width 6-8" Well branched plants produce an end product perfect for pots or landscaped beds.

Marigold Disco Mix
Ht. 12" Width 8-10" One of the first to bloom, and one of the strongest blooming single marigold mixes around!

Marigold Honeycomb/ Janie Flame
Ht. 8-10" Width 6-8" That same honeycomb you love in a reliable series that blooms all season.

Marigold Janie Bright Yellow
Ht. 8-10" Width 6-8" Bright yellow blooms provide nonstop color all season long!

Marigold Strawberry Blonde
Ht. 8-10" Width 6-8" This bicolor of pastel pink and yellow changes to darker rose hues in colder weather, making it a unique and welcome addition to the garden.

Pansy Majestic Giant II Mix
Ht. 8" Width 10" This series is known for its extra large blooms and resistance to stretching. It also can overwinter and re-bloom in spring.

Pansy Imperial Antique Shades Mix
Ht. 8" Width 8-10" Three inch flowers bloom with minimal stretching in shades of peach to rose.

Portulaca Sundial Mix
Ht. 8-15" Width 10-12" Bright rainbow of color that produces reliably up until frost, this sun loving annual glows wherever its planted.

Salvia Victoria Blue
Ht. 10" Width 8-10" A profuse and reliable bloomer from spring until frost, this variety is perfect for mixed floral containers.

Salvia Fairy Queen
Ht. 18" Width 14" Taller than our other salvias this sapphire blue salvia dazzles with its dappled white appearance.

Salvia Bonfire Red
Ht. 10-12" Width 6-8" This compact plant provides intense color until frost and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Vinca Mega Bloom Orchid Halo
Ht. 13-15" Width 10-12" AAS Winner for 2017! Bred to withstand heat and humidity with better disease resistance than most vincas and a nice compact habit. Huge 3" Flowers have striking white centers seen from afar!

Vinca Mega Bloom Burgundy w/Eye
Ht. 13-15" Width 10-12" Bred to withstand heat and humidity with better disease resistance than most vincas and a nice compact habit. Huge 3" Flowers with small white centers and striking burgundy petals.

Vinca Mega Bloom Purple
Ht. 13-15" Width 10-12" Bred to withstand heat and humidity with better disease resistance than most vincas and a nice compact habit. Hot magenta purple sure to wow.

Vinca Mega Bloom Strawberry
Ht. 13-15" Width 10-12" Bred to withstand heat and humidity with the long bloom time and great disease resistance we love in the Mega Bloom series. Pink with strawberry centers.

Viola Sorbet XP Autumn Select Mix
Ht. 6" Width 6-8" This sorbet series mix stuns with a riot of color that lasts far longer than most viola series with minimal stretching.

Viola Sorbet Neptune
Ht. 6" Width 6-8" This viola This creamy yellow centered viola with a pale blue edge provides a delicate feel perfect for Mother's day!

Viola Sorbet Midnight Glow
Ht. 6" Width 6-8" This viola is a step up from most classic purple and yellow jump up looks and didn't stretch for us in our greenhouses all season!

Viola Sorbet Morpho
Ht. 6" Width 6-8" This viola is an electric blue and yellow bicolor that should bring some wow factor to your customers!
Cutting Flowers 48's $16.00 Cash, $17.00 Delivery

Ageratum Blue Horizon
Ht. 30" Width 10-12" This cut flower is remarkably versatile and its branching habit provides many flowers to choose from. Very popular!

Aster Giant Ray Mix
Ht. 26-32" Also known as summer Aster, this needle or quill type aster has flowers 3.5-5.5" long in a wide range of colors and boast a long vase life.

Aster Bonita Rose
Ht. 30" Fully double pom pom blooms 2" in diameter. Pairs beautifully with the Aster Matsumoto series in terms of bloom time. Wind and fusarium resistant plant.

Celosia Celway Mix
Ht. 28-40" Width 5" This celosia can be produced either in the field or the greenhouse and one plant can produce up to 15 saleable stems! Each stem has a bloom that looks like a star and lasts long in arrangements.
Eucalyptus Baby Blue
Ht. 24-36" This small silver green leaved eucalyptus variety is perfect for cut flower arrangements, fresh or dried.

Gomphrena Strawberry Fields
Ht. 18-22" Width 10-12" This strawberry red gomphrena is perfect for cutting or drying, as the color does not fade as it ages.

Snapdragon Rocket Mix
Ht. 30-36" Width 16-18" Multiple AAS winning colors are included in this reliable performing mix. Perfect for the farm stand or backyard cut flower gardener.

Snapdragon Madame Butterfly Mix
AAS Winner. Fragrant double petaled all season variety. If fed regularly, this variety can produce multiple cuts all season long. This is our own mix which does not have yellow included.

Statice QIS Mix
Ht. 30-35" This statice variety is valued by cut flower growers for its color, stem quality and uniformity. As with all statice it is perfect for both fresh and dried flower arrangements.

Zinnia Benary's Giant Mix
Ht. 40" This mix is a stand out best seller, welcome in garden centers, farm stands and cut flower grower markets alike. Disease tolerant, great stems and long vase life.
Lisianthus 48's

Advantage Cherry Sorbet
Ht. 28-35" Group II. This dusty rose double will be sought after by all your customers. Limited quantities.

Arena Blue Picotee
Ht. 31-39" Group III. Known for fully double flowers on sturdy stems. White with blue edge

Croma Pink Picotee
Ht. 31-39" Group III. Croma is known for deeply double rose like blooms and this white with pink edged variety promises to hold up better than our previous selection and with a pinker edge.

Croma Yellow
Ht. 31-39" Group III. We tested this last year against the Echo Yellow and customers who viewed it were impressed by both its color and staying power (doesn't get overblown easily).

Echo Pink
Ht. 28-34" Group 1.Classic lisianthus borne on strong stems. Pink to rose.

Echo Blue
Ht. 28-34" Group 1.Classic lisianthus borne on strong stems. Classic blue (i.e. violet color)

Echo Mix
Ht. 28-34" Group 1. Mix of white, blue, lavender and rose. Classic lisianthus borne on strong stems

Echo White
Ht. 28-34" Group 1. Classic lisianthus borne on strong stems. Pure white.

Ht. 30-39" Group III-IV. This multi-stem variety has strong stems, big blooms and an impressive color. Limited quantities.
Spreading Petunia 32ct

Petunia Shock Wave Tie Dye
New from Ball Seed for 2020! $18.00 Cash, $19.00 Charge Ht. 7-10" Width 20-30" Unique multicolored blooms in streaks of purple and white.

Easy Wave Burgundy Star
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Easy Wave Burgundy Velour
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" Last year customers could not get enough of this dark colored stunner! The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" The flag mix is the one we trust you will love for your patriotic containers! The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Easy Wave Flag Mix
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" The flag mix is the one we trust you will love for your patriotic containers! The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Opera Supreme Raspberry Ice
Ht. 6-10" Width 3.5-4' Wonderful trailing habit good for mixed containers and hanging baskets as well as landscape plantings. Self cleaning spent blooms.

Picobella Rose Morn
Ht. 8-10" Width 8-10" This compact milliflora petunia produces masses of petite flowers on plants that are vigorous and tolerant of most weather conditions. Tidy and perfect for beds and containers.

Easy Wave Plum Vein
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" Silver is an old favorite that is "new" again! The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Easy Wave Rosy Dawn
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" A vibrant pink, Rosy Dawn is a great option if you're tired of the same old pale pinks. The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Shock Wave Deep Purple
Ht. 7-10", Width 30-36" Blooms from early Spring to Fall if fertilized regularly. Self cleaning, no deadheading! Mounding habit that's great for containers.
Sky Blue
Ht. 12-15" Width 30-36" Early flowering variety with a dome shaped habit make for a showy mass of color tightly controlled and perfect for spring sales.

Easy Wave Yellow
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" This yellow is a fairly new introduction whose color is especially lovely in containers.The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.

Easy Wave White
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" As they say, white goes with everything! The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.
Easy Wave Red
Ht. 6-12" Width 30-39" The Easy Wave series has a mounded habit and is well known for its long blooming season. Tolerates warm and cool temperatures well.